The Famous Japanese Crafts and Art – Oku Sensei’s Japanese


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Understanding the Famous Japanese Crafts and Art

Understanding the Famous Japanese Crafts and Art

Japan is a mesmerizing place consisting of a beautiful world of art, and is also one of the most culturally and traditionally rich countries in the world. Moreover, the country's refined art and crafts are captivating due to their exciting yet innovative use of brushes and unique artistic techniques.

Let's look at some of the outstanding arts and crafts of Japan:


It is a form of Japanese oil painting amongst other painting styles. It displays the ever-increasing influence of the West, showcasing various centuries such as the 16th century, Edo Period, the later 19th century, and onwards.


Sado means 'the way of tea,' a tremendous traditional ceremony in Japan for preparing and drinking tea. It is a meditative and ceremonial performance in which green tea is made and served. If you visit Japan, you can find (and taste) the incredible experience for yourself at "Chashitsu", or specialized tea rooms for Sado. The ceremony goes back to the 9th century, where history explains it started from a tale of the Buddhist monk Eichu. Today it is usually carried out as a hobby in Japan. For those who have particular interest in the Japanese tea ceremony and ikebana (flower arranging), it is sure to be said that he/she can develop an in-depth understanding of the Japanese Culture.

The event takes place in a traditional Japanese room -A Tatami room, private houses, or tea houses. During the ceremony, a series of rituals are performed that are supposed to be learned by heart, being absolutely vital to do every step in proper order. The host serves the guests a strong matcha green tea consisting of powdered tea leaves. The ceremony can either be formal (chaji) or informal (chakai), with occasionally sweets being served.


The word anime derives from 'Animation,' which includes computer-generated and hand-drawn animation. With a diverse and fascinating collection of countless excellent anime, a large number of studios are continuously creating storylines that people of all ages can enjoy.


Origami is one of the known pieces of traditional art that fascinates anyone who sees it. It is a skill of folding a square piece of paper and creating it into exciting shapes. Usually, there is no need for any scissors or glue. The most famous origami is a crane. It is a belief that by folding 1000 origami cranes, your one wish will be granted. This belief was quite significant during wartime when a girl named Sadako was diagnosed with leukemia due to Hiroshima's atomic bomb. In order to cure herself of the atomic sickness and fulfill her wish to live, it is said that Sadako folded 1000 origami cranes. Whenever you decide to visit Nagasaki and Hiroshima, you will still find countless origami cranes to honor the wish of Sadako to this day.


Although Shintoism is Japan's official religion, Buddhism plays a significant role. As a visitor, you will find some of the unique artistic expressions of Buddhism in temples. The Buddhist sculptures or 'butsuzo' are unbelievable art forms. They originated in China and Korea dating back to the 5th century. At first, they may seem somewhat perplexing, but your curiosity will lead you to understand their intricate details and meaning. You can find various captivating sculptures of different sizes, styles, and prices.


Due to the distinct style, Japanese arts and crafts are recognized, respected, and cherished globally. When traveling to Japan, you can further enrich your journey about the arts and crafts by learning it's language. With Oku Sensei's Japanese, our conversational Japanese course helps you quickly memorize the basics and go on a fun-filled, exciting tour. 

With Japanese Semester courses, learn about the remarkable Japanese language, culture, and traditions today!